Celebrating Sophia Community in a “Sukkah”

 — Oct. 3, 20073 oct. 2007

The “Friends of Sophia” invite you to join them for the first gathering of the fall semester. On Wednesday, October 3 at 7:30 p.m., Gladys Neufeld will lead a liturgy intertwining stories, music, and food. The liturgy will be held in the Chelsea Commons, room 231, St. Thomas More College. Please bring a donation for the Food Bank.

The Friends of Sophia is an interdenominational group of women, based at the University of Saskatchewan, dedicated to nurturing Christian feminist spirituality through educational opportunities, shared experience, and liturgical celebration. For further information: www.usask.ca/uscm/friendsofsophia.

Posted: Oct. 3, 2007 • Permanent link: ecumenism.net/?p=353 In this article: Friends of Sophia, prayer, Saskatoon, women Transmis : 3 oct. 2007 • Lien permanente : ecumenism.net/?p=353 Dans cet article : Friends of Sophia, prayer, Saskatoon, women

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