Social Justice Links alphabetically: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
A to H:
- l’Alliance Œcuménique “Agir Ensemble”
« Un nouvel intrument œcuménique a été créé en décembre 2000 et s’est engagé à travailler sur les questions difficiles du commerce mondial et du VIH/Sida. Pour chaque question, la nouvelle Alliance Œcuménique “Agir ensemble” a développé une approche éducative et une stratégie appropriée pour promouvoir le changement. Un nombre croissant d’églises ont rejoint l’Alliance en s’engageant à parler d’une seule voix contre l’injustice, pour confronter les structures de pouvoir, les pratiques et les attitudes qui privent les êtres humains de dignité et pour offrir des visions alternatives basées sur l’Evangile. »The Alliance website is also available in English.
- Alternative Media Homepage
- American Institute of Philanthropy
The American Institute of Philantrophy, which rates various international relief and development agencies, gave Mennonite Central Committee an “A” for its programs and its low rate of overhead.
- American Red Cross
- ATD Fourth World
“The prototype of the International Fourth World Movement was founded in 1957, in a camp for homeless families outside Paris, by the late Father Joseph Wresinski, a Catholic priest, who himself grew up in poverty. “Aide à Toute Détresse”-Help for All Distress- was the first name of the association. The name Fourth World came later and was coined by the founder after the Fourth Estate of the French Revolution, which comprised the very poorest people struggling to be represented in the political changes of the time. Today ATD Fourth World operates in eight Europeans countries, Northern and Central America, and several countries in Africa and Asia.”
- ATD Quart-Monde
«ATD Quart-Monde est un mouvement international de lutte contre la misère et l’exclusion sociale. Ouvert à toutes les convictions religieuses ou politiques, il a été créé en 1957 par le père Joseph Wresinski et les familles d’un camp de sans-logis à Noisy-le-Grand (région parisienne, France). “Aide à toute Détresse” (ATD) est le nom de la première association qui donnera naissance à ce mouvement. “Quart Monde” est le nom donné par le père Joseph Wresinski, en 1968, aux plus pauvres du monde entier qui refusent de se résigner à la fatalité de la misère pour eux-mêmes et pour tout homme. Ce terme “Quart Monde” trouve ses racines dans le “Quart-Etat” ou “Quatrième Ordre” révélé par quelques députés lors de la révolution française, comme étant le “peuple des infortunés, des indigents, et de ceux qui n’avaient aucune représentation.” ATD Quart Monde est à l’initiative de projets dans huit pays d’Europe et dans plusieurs pays d’Afrique, d’Amérique du Nord et d’Amérique centrale et d’Asie.»
- Balik Kalikasan
“Restoring respect for earth and life through education.” Balik Kalikasan is a Philippines based website chronicling peoples’ progress in confronting environmental issues. Balik Kalikasan is Tagalog for “return to nature.”
- Baptist Joint Committee Religious Liberty site
- The Boston Review
- Bread for the World
- Breakfast for Learning – Canadian Living Foundation
- Buy Nothing Day
- The Canadian
“The Canadian is an editorially independent and not-for-profit national newspaper. It is inspired by Canada’s very first newspaper called ‘Le Canadien’, that was founded in 1806. We are committed to affirming a sovereign Canada, by defending the national public interest via a critical approach to mass-media coverage. The aspirations for a sovereign Canada had inspired the journalists of ‘Le Canadien’, as well as Tommy Douglas, former Prime Minister Trudeau, and other Canadians, toward the pursuit of the Canadian Dream. Trudeau had specifically referred this Canadian Dream, as the pursuit of a socially progressive ‘Just Society’.” [website]
- Canadian Abilities Foundation
- Canadian Catholic Organization for Development & Peace (CCODP)
The Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace, a democratic movement for international solidarity, supports partners in the Third World in the pursuit of alternatives to unjust social, political and economic structures. It educates the Canadian population about the causes of impoverishment of peoples and mobilizes action for change. In the struggle for human dignity, Development and Peace associates with social change groups in the North and South. It supports women in their search for social and economic justice. Development and Peace, the official development organization of the Canadian Catholic Church, is inspired by the values of the Gospel, particularly “the preferential option for the poor.”
- Canadian Centre on Disability Studies
- Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility
- The Canadian Council on Social Development
- Canadian Down Syndrome Society
- Canadian Early Childhood Care and Education
- Canadian Ecumenical Jubilee Initiative (CEJI).
CEJI is a coalition of Canadian church, labour, and development groups working on a 3 year theme to proclaim a Biblical Jubilee (Lev. 25, Is. 61, Lk. 4). CEJI is the Canadian partner in the international Jubilee 2000 third world debt cancellation campaign.
see Kairos: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives
voir Kairos: Initiatives canadiennes œcuméniques pour la justice
- Canadian Environmental Law Association (CELA)
A non-profit, public interest organization established in 1970 to use existing laws to protect the environment and to advocate environmental law reforms. It is also a free legal advisory clinic for the public, and will act at hearings and in courts on behalf of citizens or citizens’ groups who are otherwise unable to afford legal assistance. Funded by Legal Aid Ontario, CELA is one of 72 community legal clinics located across Ontario, 15 of which offer services in specialized areas of the law.
- Canadian Federation of Students
- Canadian Food Grains Bank
A Christian response to hunger
- Canadian Health Coalition
- Canadian Hearing Society
- Canadian Mental Health Association
Bilingual (English or French) site
- Canadian National Institute for the Blind
- Canadian Policy Research Network (CPRN)
- The Canadian Review of Social Policy
- Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good
“Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good is a non-partisan non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the fullness of the Catholic Social Tradition in the public square. Founded in 2004, our goal is to provide information to Catholics about Church social teaching as it relates to public participation in our society, and to advance the prophetic voice of the Catholic social tradition. From its earliest inception, Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good has served as an ‘open-source’ organization. As such, it works to build and support the Catholic social justice movement through communication, grassroots outreach and coordination. Catholics in Alliance is a resource for Catholics inspired by our faith’s core teachings about justice, human life and dignity, peace, poverty and the common good.” [from the website]
- Center for Defense Information
- Center for Peacemaking and Conflict Studies, Fresno Pacific University
- Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
- Children’s Defense Fund
- Chippewas of Nawash
- Christian Aid
- Christian Council on Persons with Disabilities
- Churches for Middle East Peace
- Decade to Overcome Violence (2001-2010)
The Decade to Overcome Violence: Churches Seeking Reconciliation and Peace (DOV) is an initiative of the World Council of Churches that calls churches, ecumenical organizations, and all people of goodwill: To work together for peace, justice, and reconciliation at all levels – local, regional, and global; To embrace creative approaches to peace building which are consonant with the spirit of the gospel; To interact and collaborate with local communities, secular movements, and people of other living faiths towards cultivating a culture of peace; To walk with people who are systematically oppressed by violence, and to act in solidarity with all struggling for justice, peace, and the integrity of creation; To repent together for our complicity in violence, and to engage in theological reflection to overcome the spirit, logic, and practice of violence.
- Décennie Vaincre la Violence (2001-2010)
La Décennie « vaincre la violence » : les Eglises en quête de réconciliation et de paix est une initiative du Conseil œcuménique des Églises (MSF is a humanitarian aid organisation that provides emergency medical assistance to populations in danger in more than 80 countries. 1999 Nobel Peace Prize recipients. Also Doctors without Borders (USA).
- Domestic Violence
- “Dorothy Day, Peter Maurin and the Catholic Worker Movement“
- Earthcare Connections
“Earthcare Connections is a charity dedicated to educating people about healthy and environmentally friendly choices. Being attentive to the needs of the environment and taking appropriate actions to minimize harmful effects is the course Earthcare Connections is taking. When people work together, any goal can be accomplished. Together, we must reflect upon our actions, and not take for granted the creation that surrounds us. There must be balance. As creation provides for us the necessities for life, we must give back to creation by being responsible. Three components comprise the mandate of Earthcare Connections. You can learn about the Genesis Land Conservancy, Earthcare Balloon and The Learning Centre in their respective sections. Although they each have their own focus, each project illustrates the purpose of Earthcare Connections. Learn more about Earthcare Connections by reading about Our Story and Guiding Principles and looking at Communications.” [from the website]
- Earthministry
- Economic Policy Institute
- Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance (EAA)
“EAA is a new and broadly ecumenical network for international cooperation in advocacy on HIV/AIDS and global trade. Silence is not an option for the Christian. Nor is inaction. Injustice and suffering compel our advocacy in a world that desperately needs people of faith working together for change. This call to action could not be more clear in the face of the devastation that HIV/AIDS brings to individual lives, families, and communities; and in the injustice bred by global trade practices that count only profits and politics, rather than people or the riches of God’s creation. This new century requires working together in new ways – casting off the doubts and fear of true collaboration through activist networks. With this in mind, a unique and broad ecumenical body was launched in December 2000 and has pledged itself to tackle the issues of global trade and HIV/AIDS. For each issue, this new Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance will develop an educational approach as well as a specific strategy to bring about change. A growing number of churches and church-related organizations have joined the Alliance by committing themselves to ‘speak out with one voice against injustice, to confront structures of power, practices and attitudes which deprive human beings of dignity and to offer alternative visions based on the Gospel’. This commitment to joint action brings with it enormous strength and responsibility.” [from the website]L’Alliance a également un site en français.
- Ecumenical Church Loan Fund (ECLOF)
The ECLOF is a microcredit lending organization committed to fostering greater social and economic justice. ECLOF works in 40 countries throughout the world making loans to churches, non-governmental organizations and groups of individuals who have no other access to fair credit.
- Ecumenical Coalition for Economic Justice
Previously known as GATTFLY
see Kairos: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives
voir Kairos: Initiatives canadiennes œcuméniques pour la justice
- EDCS see Oikoscredit
- Eirene
- Electronic Policy Network
- Environmental Mining Council of BC
- Exceptional Parent Magazine
A resource for parents and families of children with disabilities.
- Fair Trade Online
- Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting
- Faith Based Political Resources
- Faith and Light
Communities made up of persons with intellectual disabilities, their families and friends, particularly young friends, who meet together on a regular basis in a Christian spirit, to share friendship, pray together, fiesta, and celebrate life. Today the international association of Faith and Light brings together 1452 communities which are developing in 78 countries, across 6 continents.
- Families USA
Health Care Reform site
- FAX the FED’s
The Canadian internet activist website
- Federation of American Scientists
- First Nations Seeker
Directory of Canada’s First Nations portals
- Foi et Lumiere
Des communautés de recontre formées de personnes ayant un handicap mental, de leurs familles et d’amis, spécialement des jeunes, qui se retrouvent régulièrement dans un esprit chrétien, pour partager leur amité, prier ensemble, fêter et célébrer la vie. L’Association internationale Foi et Lumière regroupe aujourd’hui 1452 communautés se développant dans 76 pays, répartis en 6 continents.
- Fourth Freedom Forum
Leading organization in the study of the humanitarian impact of sanctions, the South Asian nuclear arms race, and alternative world security models.
- Franconia Conference Damascus Road Team
- Friends of Sophia
“Friends of Sophia is an interdenominational group of women based on the University of Saskatchewan campus dedicated to nurturing Christian Feminist Spirituality through educational opportunities, shared experience and liturgical celebration. Our mandate is to maintain a center for the study of women in Christianity. We see our center in the committee, in the people who attend our functions, and in the connections we make with other groups in Saskatoon and around the country. We work to network with women in the global women’s movement who are committed to social justice and an end to violence in all its forms.” [from the website]
- The Guelph Coalition Against the Cuts
- Global Exchange
- Global Policy Forum
Information on sanctions, the activities of the NGO Working Group on the Security Council and others.
- Good Neighbor Project for Sustainable Industries
- Greenpeace
- Handicap International
Handicap International was first set up in France in 1982 with the aim of ‘helping people with disabilities regardless of their cause or nature, both in the national territory and in every corner of the globe’. The organisation has certainly succeeded in this aim and today is one of the leading NGOs working in this field in 55 countries. As a co-founder of the International Campaign to Ban Anti-personnel Landmines, Handicap International was co-winner of the 1997 Nobel Peace Prize.
- Handicap International
Handicap International a pour objet de venir en aide à toute personne en situation de vulnérabilité, quel que soit l’environnement à l’origine de cette situation (faible développement, pauvreté, exclusion, exploitation, violences et conflits armés, violations graves ou négations des droits fondamentaux, déficience des systèmes sociaux, catastrophes). L’association agit en particulier en faveur des personnes en situation de handicap, quelle que soit l’origine des déficiences dont elles sont porteuses (problèmes congénitaux ou prénataux, maladies, accidents, violence ou trauma, malnutrition) et leur nature (physique, sensorielle, intellectuelle). Vivre debout, devise adoptée par l’association, reflète une philosophie d’action basée sur la promotion et la défense de la dignité humaine. Elle s’appuie sur les valeurs de solidarité, s’articulant avec les notions d’entraide et de fraternité, et d’équité, associée aux notions de justice, d’égalité et d’impartialité. Valeurs sur lesquelles est fondée la notion d’égalité des chances.
- Harrisville
- Health Care Without Harm (IATP)
- Heifer Project International
- Homegrown Solutions
- Hope for Haiti
Describes the efforts of this organization to help the Haitian people
- Human Rights Watch
Large international NGO based in New York which works on human rights issues throughout the world
- HungerWeb